Kiama Tennis Club Juniors Succeed In KSDTA Tennis Comp Finals

Division 3 Girls Finalists Claudia Koks,Emma Murphy,Bella Masi,Riahn Jackman .Well Done Girls !
Division 1 Girls Winners Chelsea Moseley and Nicol Petkovic .Lexie Brown was unable to attend finals but had a big contribution in preliminary rounds to qualify for the finals. Nicol Petkovic also received the highest pointscore award for Division 1 .Well Done Nicol!
DIVISION 5 WINNERS Aidan and Ewan Stevens.Coming back from behind to Win the Finals . Good fighting spirit boys ,keep up the good work .
HIGHEST POINTSCORE AWARD. Bella Masi receives the highest pointscore average in her division which means she won more matches by the highest margin overall .Congratulations !